Breakfast & lunch

The centre is open from 8.30am to 1.30pm, 7 days a week. Those coming in can have a cup of tea, a sandwich and a hot meal. On an average day we are providing 100-120 hot dinners. Approximately 40% of our service users are rough sleepers, 10% in secure socially rented accommodation and the remaining 50% in some form of temporary accommodation (hostels, friends & privately rented accommodation) April 23 statistics. More information about those accessing our food  service can be found HERE

Clients will also have access to shower & washing facilities and to a change of clothing. They can also see a housing & welfare advice worker in the centre (Monday to Friday) or receive telephone advice via our helpline (020 7403 1931 – option 1), on a Monday and Wednesday, 10am to 1pm. 


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