Word of mouth is a wonderful way of getting Manna known. Please tell your family, friends and colleagues about our work, and share this website with them.
Mailing List
Please sign up to our mailing list to receive our E-Newsletter, and encourage your friends to sign up too. Type your email address into the box on the right – ‘Newsletter Signup’.
Social Media
We are on Twitter and Facebook. You can see our latest tweets and posts at the foot of the website.
Please follow us on Twitter and tweet about us to your followers. Let us and them know about your latest fundraising activities for Manna. And please like us on Facebook and share this website with your friends.
Share our Leaflets
Please help us tell others about our work by distributing our promotional leaflets. They give a summary of our work and also include a standing order and Gift Aid form.
Our Administrator would be happy to send you copies. Please ring 020 7357 9363 – option 3 or email mail@mannasociety.org.uk giving your name, address and organisation (where appropriate) and how many copies you would like.
Alternatively, you can download the leaflet as a PDF.
Let a homeless person know about our services
We have small (business size) cards to inform homeless people and those in need of our services. If you would like some of these cards to distribute please ring the Administrator on 020 7357 9363 – option 3 or email mail@mannasociety.org.uk